
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Six Weeks Old

Wow, where does the time go? I feel as it were just yesterday I was in the delivery room at Defiance Regional Hospital having my son... and today he turned SIX WEEKS old. I am thankful to have been able to cherish every single day with him; and although I want him to stay my little boy forever, it's been amazing to watch him grow so much already. He is already such a smart little boy, and I can not wait to watch his personally begin to show these next few months.
I am also very excited for his first real holiday. Thanksgiving is such a great time, and I am so thankful for the family and friends that we will be spending it with. I am excited for family coming home and that they will finally meet him!

Laying down with daddy

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

One Month Old

Today my son turned 1 month old. I can not put into worlds how fast this past month has flown by. Watching my son grow everyday has been beyond amazing and I am so blessed to have such a special little guy in my life. Because he was a 9lb 6oz baby, everyone tells me how he looks and acts so much longer, but no matter how old he looks and acts, he will always be my little boy.
At one month old Mason loves his swing and also loves to be held. He is very alert and loves to look around a lot. His favorite things to stare at are lights, paintings, and mirrors (or my cellphone camera when taking a selfie, lol). He loves car rides and is a very good baby when we are out in public. He also is a good baby at home. In addition, he is very strong and can hold up and control his own head movements already! He also has a very strong grip, even the doctor agreed. The one thing Mason is not a fan of tummy time, but maybe that will change over time. He only fusses when he is hungry or when he is fighting sleep. God truly did bless us with a very handsome and good baby.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Blog Logos

This week for my digital arts class at The University of Toledo we learned all about vector graphics. Our assignment was to use Method Draw to create two different logos for our blog. I have worked with vector graphics before with different software's and have really enjoyed it, but I did not really like Method Draw. I did not like Method Draw that much because it was missing so many editing features that I am use to using. I am use to there being a lot more editing tools to make the graphics cleaner and better. With that being said, I did my best with what I had to work with. The foot logo is not exactly what I had in mind, but they did not have a "flip" tool, only a rotate tool, so I was unable to create exactly what I wanted too. Overall I am pleased with my work though based on the tools given.

These may seem rather basic, but the block was a lot more difficult to create on Method Draw than I thought it would be, and the shape of the foot was a lot more difficult than I though it would be either. Although, I do like the 'basic' look of the two logos I created because they are just enough to catch your eye. ALSO, I would have liked them to have a transparent background, but for some reason was not able to save them from the website, so I have to screenshot them and crop them. Thanks for viewing my blog! Hope you enjoyed my logos.