
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

One Month Old

Today my son turned 1 month old. I can not put into worlds how fast this past month has flown by. Watching my son grow everyday has been beyond amazing and I am so blessed to have such a special little guy in my life. Because he was a 9lb 6oz baby, everyone tells me how he looks and acts so much longer, but no matter how old he looks and acts, he will always be my little boy.
At one month old Mason loves his swing and also loves to be held. He is very alert and loves to look around a lot. His favorite things to stare at are lights, paintings, and mirrors (or my cellphone camera when taking a selfie, lol). He loves car rides and is a very good baby when we are out in public. He also is a good baby at home. In addition, he is very strong and can hold up and control his own head movements already! He also has a very strong grip, even the doctor agreed. The one thing Mason is not a fan of tummy time, but maybe that will change over time. He only fusses when he is hungry or when he is fighting sleep. God truly did bless us with a very handsome and good baby.

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