
Friday, October 9, 2015

Video MashUp

For the project this week in my digital arts class at The University of Toledo we were to take our audio from last week, made on, and make a video smashup. A video smashup is basically taking multiple pre-existing videos on the internet and cutting bits and pieces of the videos to make one final project. While completing this project, it was a little difficult at times, but it was also kind of fun and I really enjoy the outcome of all my hard work.

The videos I chose to use for my video smashup are mainly from a website called I found easy to use because you did not have to sign up to download any of its contents. However, I did find it a little difficult to find exactly what I wanted at times. I think could do a better job categorizing their videos. The only video clips I did not get from were the ones of the cat. I got the video of the cat off of YouTube and was very happy to find out that downloading and saving videos on YouTube is very easy.

For editing my video mashup I used Windows Movie Maker. As a class we were first instructed to use a website called, and I do not recommend this website to anyone. I’m a rather smart girl, and after literally almost two hours, I gave up on trying to download the stupid thing. (Well I should that it had downloaded successfully several times, but the website never opened like it should have.) With that being said, I was happy to see that Windows Movie Maker was easy to download and really easy to use. When editing I just added the clips I wanted and placed them accordingly to my audio. The cat video is the only video I really had to cut and paste. All of the cat clips are from the same video, so I had to cut out certain sections of the video to make my smashup. Cutting and “splitting” the video was not hard to do at all… the only thing that was difficult was trying to time out how much of each clip I needed.

Overall I feel like I was rather successful making my first ever video mashup. After getting an editing software to download I had a lot of fun creating it. The video clips of the cat are my favorite because they are just so random; but random is good when creating a video mashup. I can’t really say I would change anything about my project, because I like the outcome of it… but maybe if I could have taken more time on it, it may have turned out better. BUT I have a baby coming this week and a full time class schedule, so I’m trying to complete as much work as I can now so I don’t fall behind.

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