
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

My Heart and Soul

Until you are a parent, you do not realize how much you can love someone. Yes, I am beyond in love with my boyfriend, but the love I have my son is unexplainable. He is my pride and joy. He and his daddy hold the key to my heart.
Mason never fails to put a smile on my face. I might be a little bias, but he is definitely thee most handsome, strongest, funniest baby ever. He's got his mommy's lips and chin; and he's got his daddy's eyes and grumpy face. His grumpy face is absolutely adorable. He's also very strong. He has a very strong grip when he holds someone's finger, he has a lot of neck strength already and can hold his head up by himself pretty good, he also can lay on his daddy's tummy and use his legs to inch-worm up his daddy's tummy all the way to his daddy's head, and he can also roll over onto his side very easily. It amazes me, and others, how strong and alert of a baby he is. He also has many funny things he likes to do. Mason loves to pee when his diaper is off... The first time he peed all over his bassinet we just thought our timing was unlucky; but that does not seem to be the case. I am not joking when I say he pees 75% of the times we change his diaper. We can not help but laugh about it though, because it is absolutely hilarious and there's really nothing we can do about it, haha. He also learned how to pull on mommy's hair yesterday. I think that is just so cute and hilarious.
On another note, I am beyond amazed how amazing of a father Corey is to our son. I mean, I knew he was going to be an amazing father, but actually seeing it, melts my heart into a million pieces. When he comes home from work the first thing he does is give Mason a million kisses. He also loves taking him for strolls around the block, and telling him about all the fun things he's going to teach Mason when he gets older. I love these two men with all of my heart and can not wait to see where our life takes us together.
Mason on 10/20/15 with the pumpkins
his grandma bought him.

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