
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Almost Time

What another crazy week. Had a baby appointment on Wednesday and found out that I was still not dilated at all... Such a stubborn little boy I have already, lol. So to make sure he was still doing okay they sent me down to the women's center to run tests on him. They hooked my tummy up to a monitor that tracked him heart rate and movement. Although I was a little scared at first because I was all alone, I knew my little man would pass with flying colors; and he did. It is so good to know that end though he is over his due date he is still healthy and doing good.
With that being say, I am very tired of being pregnant, and was happy to hear that they are inducing me Sunday night/Monday morning. I am low-key beyond scared, but I know everything will be alright once I have my son in my arms. So I have my fingers cross that my son will finally make his appearance Monday and for it to be an easy and quick delivery.
P.S. - My dad has been home from the hospital for about three weeks now and is doing great. Unfortunately he has awhile before he can return back to work, but he has been very nice company. I have been taking care of him a lot, and do not mind doing so because he has done so much for me in the past.

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