
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Waiting Game

It is absolutely crazy to think that tomorrow will be the first day of October. The month I have been waiting for ALL YEAR. Not only because fall is my favorite season. Not only because I love going to Leaders Family Farm's and getting completely scared in their haunted corn maize, Screamacres. Not only because I love watching the leaves change colors and fall to the ground. BUT because it almost time for my little man to make his appearance. I never thought I could love someone so much, but I do. I am completely in love with this bundle of joy I have been carrying around with me for the past 9 months, and I can not wait to hold him in my arms and spoil him with my love.
Although with that being said, he's being a little suborn, just like his daddy, lol. My doctor told me this week that I will likely go over my due date, maybe even as much as a week over my due date. This news was almost overwhelming to me, because I am SO over being pregnant. My baby is completely healthy and ready to go whenever he wants... he just must be really cozy in my tummy.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Baby Booming

My latest assignment for my Digital Arts class at the University of Toledo was to create an audio mashup using I found this website very easy to use after watching a few tutorials on youtube. With that being said, I highly enjoyed this assignment and recommend to anyone who is interested in learning how to make background music and/or DJ'ing type music.
I found this assignment especially fun because my brother and his friends are big into making their own music like this. It was neat to be able to create something similar to what they do, even though their audio editing is way more complex and high-tech than what I have created.
As for the name of my soundtrack, I just wanted to keep it with the theme of my blog. It was the first thing that popped in my head, which might be due to the fact that I saw someone post on Facebook yesterday that 2015 must be the new baby boom, lol.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Onesie Typology

This week for my Digital Art class at the University of Toledo we learned about typologies. We were to shoot a series of photos and create our own typology. This assignment is inspired by the work of Hilla and Bernd Becher who took a series of photos of industrial sites and made a grid display of the resulting images.
For my typology I chose to shoot of series of onesies. To put all 16 images together and create the final project I used Pixlr's Advanced Photo Editor. With tutorials on how to complete this assignment I found Pixlr very easy to understand. I found it interesting how drastically the background color changed in all of the pictures. The background is actually a baby blue blanket, but some of these images would convince you otherwise; but I think the different colored backgrounds is really neat and helps your eye bounce around the entire image even more. Overall I was very happy with how this project turned out, and  makes me even more excited for my son to get here! Did I mention there's less than two weeks until my due date?

Friday, September 18, 2015

Tired and Stressed

What a crazy week it has been. With everyone else being sick in my household I was sure I was not going to catch what had been spreading around; but that was not the case. I've now been sick since Saturday now and even the medicine proscribed by my doctor hasn't helped much at all. Its only made me tired. Totally frustrating!
On an even worse note, my dad had a planned surgery Monday morning, so I took care of him Monday and Tuesday due to him not being able to walk much. The pain in his legs became worse, so I took him to urgent care Wednesday morning with my mom. After 30 minutes of being at the doctors, my dad was omitted in the hospital to run tests and have an MRI done. That night we found out that he has a bulging disc in his back between his L4 and L5. Not being able to do much physical therapy due to his non-related surgery Monday, not much progress has been made. His pain level is still very high and has to stay in the hospital until at least Monday. It absolutely breaks my heart seeing my dad like this.
Since I was put on maternity leave last Friday I have been able to visit him a lot. I actually spend all afternoon and night with him. I barley have time to squeeze in any homework between sleeping all the time because of my medicine and being with my dad, but I am seeming to manage it some how.
I have a little over two weeks of pregnancy left and am very excited for the birth of my son, and to simply not be pregnant anymore. A child is a true blessing, but pregnancy is a literal pain in my back! haha. Although I am so worried about my father and focusing on him right now, he continues to tell me not to worry about him and to focus on the baby coming. It's so hard not to worry about him and not to stress out about school though.
Really hoping these next couple of weeks fly by and my dad is able to be released from the hospital sooner rather than later. I don't want him to miss seeing his grandson the day he's born..

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Urban Napoleon

This week for my Digital Media class we were to take our Urban Landscaped photos and make a video collage of them. I used to create this presentation of my photos and highly recommend it. Animoto is very easy to use and comes with numerous pre-made styles to choose from. The style I chose for this particular project was called "Frayed Edges". I chose this one because it looked neat and goes very well with my urban landscape photos. On animoto there are also some customization features, so you can edit how your final product appears. You can also choose to use your own music or use a song on their website. I chose to use one of their songs, simply because I do not have music on my laptop and because I liked the song chose.

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Fishing Hole

For my Digital Arts class at The University of Toledo we were to take pictures of Urban Landscapes last week, and were to edit them this week. Out of all the pictures I took and edited, this is my favorite. It has a lot of meaning to me because it one of the spots in Napoleon where my boyfriend Corey and I go fishing together. Well he mainly does the fishing… I just keep him company and complain how it’s too hot, haha. Anyways, I took this picture using my iPhone 5c, which has a 4-inch 640x1136 display, and an 8-megapixel rear camera. This photo has the dimensions of 2448x3264. When you multiply that out it gives you a total of 7,990,272 pixels, which is just shy of 8 megapixels. It is nice to know that my camera is taking that best quality photos that it can. I then edited this photo using Pixlr Express, a free online website to edit pictures, and love the way it turned out. When editing the photo I enhanced and made the colors much richer by increasing the contrast and by increasing the vibrancy. I also dimmed the exposure of the light a little bit by -2 brightness. Overall I am really happy with how the final project turned out.

Friday, September 4, 2015

One More Month

Wow... I can not believe it. I am exactly one month away from my due date today! It feels like just yesterday I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant. Most people think their pregnancies go by very slow, but mine has flown by for the most part. These past two weeks (and probably this last month) have seemed to be taking the longest though.
I am just so overly excited to meet my little one, and hold him in my arms. That sounds a lot more enjoyable than feeling him kicking my right rib cage all day and all night! But I can not complain to much, because I have had an easy pregnancy; even my doctors reminds me how easy of a pregnancy I have had. And I could not be more blessed that my baby is still on track and very healthy!